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Clair Wakefield's Monument

A natural inventor, Clair loved a challenge. One time he set out to build his own steam engine—he joked it was only a couple hundred years too late—but he did it. He delighted friends and family by demonstrating his creation: a six-inch tall working steam engine.

Clair delighted in solving problems. He had a seemingly endless patience for doing so which was the envy of those around him. Sometimes his solution wasn't the most elegant option, he once used a bolt and nut to fix a broken seat belt, but his solution always worked.

He is deeply missed.

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Louann Kotulski says:

My favorite lesson that I learned from my father is how to approach a problem. Never waste time and energy with emotional outbursts, wringing of hands, or blame.  Go straight to finding and applying the fix.  I have found this attitude to be hugely useful in life.  Like my father, it is both perceptive and practical. I imagine this is one of the leading reasons people called my dad for help, and his help was free and effective. An extremely valuable person to have around. He is still being valuable through the manner of his living. He is missed daily.

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